To: Ms HO'ROZCO(+17429882727)
Date: 2024-08-08 11:52:35
I'll call you

Date: 2024-08-08 11:52:47
About now

Date: 2024-08-08 12:16:22
Voicemail 3 New 0 Urgent

Date: 2024-08-08 12:17:38
I love you as my wife, and I hope that you understand why I feel hurt by the fact that you don't even respect me enough to have the same last name as your husband.
I know you're my wife married in the Catholic Church but I feel hurt by the fact that you value your family with your mum and your brother more than your family with your husband and any children we had before.
I respect you as my wife and family, but you value on paper your mother and brother more.
It's kinda problematic because of the emotional trauma left for me by my ex walking out on me when she was pregnant.
Please don't use her as your reason to disrespect my manhood, cuz that's what it feels like as I've begged you since your mum died.
She's the only OROZCO I respected other than you,
I'm still hurt, because it feels very similar to what Kathleen to me by throwing away my son with her prior baggage with her daughter and CAS.
It hurts when everyone knows you as an OROZCO which I explained to Kim was part of the reason I still feel that you're preferring your father to your husband.

Date: 2024-08-08 12:27:06
I love 💕 you as my wife .. Mrs HILLIER not a Ms OROZCO. I said we can talk that over after we're in our new place together.
Please think like an adult and come back to your husband, as you're 51 not 15. My son is 15, please respect me as your husband and the father of my son, I'm not here for you to treat like I am your father of his daughter who you wish you could punish in order to prevent similar fathers from doing what he did to you.

Date: 2024-08-08 12:29:43
Isaac what you have said is that you hate me . You are sick please get some help. You hate me . My mom made you promise to not use what you knew against me that you would love me still despite what happened to me as a child which was not her fault. All you have done is not keep your promise with her and dishonoured your love for me. You have no honour for you made oaths with me and prior to our marriage you promised my mom that you would not hurt me that you would love me and would not use what you knew against me for to use an event in a girls life and use it as a weapon against her, this is me. You are violent in your words and actions. You take no responsibility for what happened the last big fight we had before the police were called. Once again take some counselling I really mean this. No victim of rape should be revitalized by her intimate partner.

Date: 2024-08-08 12:32:37
Stop telling me to grow up you need help badly.

Date: 2024-08-08 12:43:16
Ahem... Do every victim of rape should not feel obligated to protect children from being raped?
I love you as if you're an adult of 51 years, yet you act like you are a child of 15 years.
My son is 15, please do not use your disrespect of his mother against the father of my son.
I am nothing like your father. You called the police when we argued and you protected the freedom of your father.
I love you as a 51 year old woman, not as a 15 year old little girl.
As an adult, we put away our childish ways and trauma, we don't bury them so nobody else will know.

Date: 2024-08-08 12:44:28
Please come back so we can act like adults and we don't have to worry about our marriage until we are set in a new place.

Date: 2024-08-08 12:46:14
I know that everything you say about this is likely incomplete because they only get your side of the story.

Date: 2024-08-08 12:48:36
That's why we never actually went to Counselling when the priest told us to, because you don't want them to look at both sides of the coin.
Kim understands why you insist on only you telling the story.

Date: 2024-08-08 12:50:01
She's dealt with people like you and my ex before, which is why what you're doing is EXACTLY like Kathleen would do.

Date: 2024-08-08 13:02:26
So honestly, as your lawful wedded husband, I'm telling you to come home.
We can deal with your removing the trampstamp from your ID after we get our new place.
Kat ran away with my seed when I confronted her about turning tricks.
You're doing exactly the same thing about your protection of pedophiles in order that other little girls will be raped.
You value your father as more important than the father of your husband's son.
You're a hypocrite, and you regard your father's affect on your childhood as more important than your husband's manliness.
You're wrong, but whomever you tell will only hear your side of the situation.

Date: 2024-08-08 13:10:17
Whomever you tell things to will only get your side of the story, because you're still a 15-yr little girl, not a 51-yr woman.
Ergo, if you don't return then you clearly value your father and your children's history more than your husband and your adult future.

Date: 2024-08-08 13:16:18
You do not see what you're doing as wrong because your mum was always your response protection.
Kim understands just a bit about how close you are to your mother.
I love you, but I will not tolerate you punishing me for my understanding that what your father did to you needs to be punished in order to protect our children.
I have a son who has a sister I feel driven to respect, yet you seem to focus on respecting your brother and your father.

Date: 2024-08-08 13:30:06
Your HILDA OROZCO programming is severe.
Whenever anyone tells you that WE NEED COUNSELING you distort it to mean YOUR HUSBAND NEEDS COUNSELLING.
You're conditioned to be very manipulative by your SOUTH AMERICAN CULTURE. You choose to punish your husband for what your father did to you, allegedly against your will.

Date: 2024-08-08 13:54:14
I'll likely manage to stay here until August 31st but I will not be able to trust you to act like a 51 year old adult. Rather you're acting like my 15 year old son would if he wasn't mine.
I love you ❤️ Mar, please show that you respect me more than you protect your abusive father.

Date: 2024-08-08 13:55:11
You don't love me Isaac you only love yourself . You were never sorry for here you are saying the same things again to me that you said were sorry for saying. Unless you have a conscious grown which I doubt I don't want to talk to you. You are very wrong about all you have said. What I see is that you have a pattern of bullying me. Stop telling me my age with a reprimand to act my age. You bully you never see yourself for what you are. You are a dishonourable man.

Date: 2024-08-08 13:57:05
I told you to stop mentioning my father you did exactly what my mom told you not to do.

Date: 2024-08-08 13:59:11
You dont love me goodbye

Date: 2024-08-08 14:05:16
Your mum told you not to call the police about your father raping you.
I love you, and I understand that in order to protect future children, we should publicly punish their rapist father.
I love you, yet to hold on to your OROZCO stamp with such power that you try to KILL your husband for my stating that it's our duty as faithful Catholic adults to recognize and punish child rapists.
My son is 15, and you're 51. Please grow the fuck up, my dear.

Date: 2024-08-08 14:11:59
I love you, and I recognized the importance of reporting a crime against my wife.
Come home, because you're not a 14 year old daughter but a 51 year old wife.
We'll have a dispute about your last name on your record.
I love you Maritza, but I see how you're punishing me as a substitute for your father.

Date: 2024-08-08 14:12:50
Can you pick up some groceries when you're heading back?

Date: 2024-08-08 14:13:38
Did you find your keys yet?

Date: 2024-08-08 14:13:54
You've called me a trampstamp and you don't see your verbal abuse?

Date: 2024-08-08 14:16:39
How about u seeing how ur treatment of me as abusive? My mom me no such thing . You are out of line my mother is dead you will show respect for she is dead. Get your own groceries moron I'm not your servant or work horse.

Date: 2024-08-08 14:17:17
My mom said no such thing.

Date: 2024-08-08 14:20:40
I'm not punishing you for my father it is you who is fixated on him I don't need a father but you do.

Date: 2024-08-08 14:20:58
Pick up the phone

Date: 2024-08-08 14:39:51
I need you as my wife like a husband, I don't need my daughter like your father needed you.
You're 51, not 15. My son is 15 and you're not his mother. Please respect the supremacy of my mistake over the fatherly nature of your father.

Date: 2024-08-08 14:40:57
I'm sorry that I take it personally as a sign of disrespect and feel that you value your father more than the father of our son.

Date: 2024-08-08 14:45:02
Please act like an adult having a disagreement with your husband rather than having a rite of passage with your father.
Honestly... You were a child, and your mum had a DUTY to report that incident in 87 because it has fucked you up emotionally.

Date: 2024-08-08 14:46:22
I love you as a 51 year old survivor, but you're acting like a 14 year old rape victim.

Date: 2024-08-08 14:46:46
Both pararagraph are untrue you don't love me enough I don't think about my father but you do and it is sick

Date: 2024-08-08 14:47:19
You recent paragraph is wrong this is abusive.

Date: 2024-08-08 14:49:34
Your mother was obligated to report his crime, but she's not competent in the kiddy protection industry.
I love you, just come home and we'll talk about this after we get a place.

Date: 2024-08-08 14:51:03
But you dislike even oral sex with your husband.

Date: 2024-08-08 14:52:14
Listen you are abusive with me stay away from me both digitally and physically if you don't understand what you have done ask Kim see a priest and show him your texts. What I thought was that you saw your mistakes and ur insults I thought you had said sorry for bringing up constantly that about my father. But now you again bring it up go talk to a cop like that and see were you end up. You will never forgive that you went to detention you are a street thug not a Christian.

Date: 2024-08-08 14:53:35
You persist on disliking your husband more than your rapist.

Date: 2024-08-08 14:54:21
I told you what our duty is Catholics is really and it's the man rapes a little girl then he needs to be punished in order to prevent future possible rapes from occurring against other children by other fathers it's kind of simple my dear.

Date: 2024-08-08 14:55:20
But honestly you value me as less of a priority than protecting your father or your history whatever it's full protecting other possible victims from other possible fathers that's all the normalcy bias my dear okay now just come home and so we can talk civil and get over there be peaceful together and then I love you okay please just come on.

Date: 2024-08-08 14:57:01
And Kim doesn't know the full details she doesn't know if it because she only has your side of the report which is skew you in a sense come on baby I love you

Date: 2024-08-08 14:58:29
Deluded fool stop texting me I have been so blind to think that you were a good man. That you were sorry for your text emails phone call messages and posts. I feel sorry for you. Please seek counselling for your anger betrayal over your lover who gave you a child and seek counselling over your family betraying you after the accident seek counselling over your trauma pain over the loss of your health because of car accident. Seek counselling over your rage, hatred with your wife and everyone around you.

Date: 2024-08-08 14:58:40
And so basically what you're saying with this is it it's less important to satisfy the reconciliation and recognizance back and forth of husband and wife then you need to priority of of respecting the power of Father over daughter from 1987 you are stuck in the past and you're actually technically acting like a 14 year old or 15 year old they have a 15 year old son right and you're 51 not 15 my dear okay come on I love you please just come back

Date: 2024-08-08 15:00:04
You disrespect me as a man and you disrespect me as a father of my son you said your father of you is more important because you protect him and you throw me in jail for criticizing him do whatever you want because they was actually of you avoiding talking about your father cuz he's so deep in your ass that you will kill your husband and your son because you you're so such a fossil b**** so I love you please come back I love you love you

Date: 2024-08-08 15:00:05
Read my previous text because you are lost I hope you turn to Christ

Date: 2024-08-08 15:01:09
You just insulted me then told me u love me? WOW

Date: 2024-08-08 15:01:20
All right you talking about the Christ that said child rape is good and protect the father's The fearless fathers who raped their 14 year old daughters right you're such a f****** beautiful you're not Catholic I love you I know that something's gotten into your head but come back whenever I love you please

Date: 2024-08-08 15:02:35
Qq your view is that it's more important to protect a father who rapes his daughter in the past and to protect children in the future because they will have a record of how necessary is to avoid values raping their daughters like come on if you don't punish for so legally and lawfully it's in your technically agreeing or consenting to it because you're not saying you didn't enjoy it and you didn't consent because technically at that time you were under duress it was it's called a literal rape that's what technically whatever your mom said before you deserving it it's the fact is that you're normalizing it rape of children just wrong I love you but you're wrong

Date: 2024-08-08 15:05:11
So please just come back and we'll be peaceable until cuz I love you entirely okay as with your past and without your past but you're so you don't admit that you have it and there's a duty but we're going to we're going to transition right now so we'll wait till after we get a stable residence okay and then we'll talk about it okay I love you okay?

Date: 2024-08-08 15:06:02
I is just I think especially now the rape of a child is wrong and then I told you what about the reason changes it happened in the law and then cuz really we should have gone through that but you were so focused on Mom that that her recent passing that we didn't actually follow this s*** so then we'll cross that bridge where we are together as a union my husband and wife okay I love you

Date: 2024-08-08 15:09:25
This is very annoying so just please come home to our location and then we'll discuss it in when we get a place then we're set up there okay love I love you okay and this is something that is really bothered me since shortly after mom passed technically I love you darling cuz she was the only reason I respected the raw school name on you this is literally I I've used the term tramp stamp for a reason because that's what it feels like to me that's huge disrespect to have my wife who has a Roscoe tramp stamp on her ass have her deny me sex because I don't satisfy as well as your family.

Date: 2024-08-08 15:10:13
You protect pedophiles and punish your husband when I tell you that you have that legal option actually is the duty in the Catholic sense to punish him and prevent future children from similarly being raped by the peaceful fathers who don't go to jail for f**** sake.

Date: 2024-08-08 15:12:25
I love you intrinsically Maritza okay? Please just come home and stop acting like a child. I love you.

Date: 2024-08-08 15:20:10
See you Mari.. I hope that you understand the difference between a 15-year-old child and the 51 year old wife is a big difference.

Date: 2024-08-08 15:22:21
I truly love you in this stop bickering me. I don't like your acting very childishly okay and I'm not a bad man like your father you. You treat me like I'm worse than your father okay? So that is a huge insult. I do love you absolutely okay?

Date: 2024-08-08 15:24:28
You do realize that it's kinda selfish that you're protecting a Father from your past at the possible cost of a portion of our preventing such assaults in the future to our children.. I love you.

Date: 2024-08-08 15:25:36
Please just come to our temporary place and be an adult wife to your adult husband.

Date: 2024-08-08 15:28:21
Honestly, you're protecting your own father from the consequences of hurting our children.. I mean come on.
I do love you however as my wife okay please come home.

Date: 2024-08-08 15:30:37
And the simple facts that you make an argument about something like the fact that I don't like it your father who rapes you and needs seven of something that you want to throw away our our life and our marriage basically because we have something together the we are working on right now that is very much a priority and you keep walking out like for 2 months back then that's so what's the time going to be 6 months like f*** that s*** you're ridiculous Maritza I love you.

Date: 2024-08-08 15:33:12
Just grow up my dear I love you we both made mistakes and I'm sorry that I called you I called your dad a rapist because technically he's not racist to recognize rapist.
Because technically you did not report anything so nothing happened right so nothing seen nothing heard nothing felt he didn't f*** you so just shut up and come home. You're just punishing your husband for your father allegedly did to you against your will in 1987.. come on I'm not stupid.

Date: 2024-08-08 15:36:15
I love you absolutely, but you just walk out on me cuz you say you don't want your father punished for raping you.

Date: 2024-08-08 15:41:31
So you basically equate me with someone worse than your father that's horrible did you protect the rapist pedophile who fucked you in 87 and you punish me that's ridiculous.

Date: 2024-08-08 15:44:03
I love you MARITZA and this is 2024 and you're 51 not 14 in 1987.
You tell lies about how "good" your mother taught you to be.
You protect pedophiles.

Date: 2024-08-08 15:46:50
I love you as my wife. Please understand that.

Date: 2024-08-08 16:18:49
I'm just sick of not being man enough for you. Come back as an adult 51 years old married Hillier, not your 15 years old Orozco.
You're acting wrong in this respect, and you're lying to Kim just like you're lying to the police about your need to protect your father because it was uncomfortable to have him fuck you.
Your mother has a duty to report him for his rape. Until you were 18 you were of no force or effect.

Date: 2024-08-08 16:23:04
You are punishing me instead of punishing your father.
You would be a horrible parent beside me because you're worse than your mother your mother let him rape you and didn't call the police it's horrible you are not mother material.

Date: 2024-08-08 16:24:53
It was not your choice as you were 14 years of age you had to be you were a juvenile now basically, because technically I don't understand why we were doing this you're so goofy I love you I love you I love you I love you but....

Date: 2024-08-08 16:25:57
P Ergo I'm worse than your father is your father raped you and you got to get around don't even go to jail card that's ridiculous grow up I love you but you're only wrong here please come home and we'll just we'll get settled on this path and then we'll revisit this rape issue of your father okay love you...

Date: 2024-08-08 16:29:39
I love you as my wife, not my daughter or my sister.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:04:06
You can't lie you say something and then you unsay it in the next paragraph. You can't keep your lies straight. Kim is very aware of what happened and you are in the wrong you scoundrel go jump a lake and drown. only my enemy would interrogate me accuse me harass me and use me the way you have. I told you to stop bringing that up and u just can't stop. You hate my surname me why don't u judge yourself stop judging others. Fuck off you little shit 💩 you told me lies what were you sorry about. You are a snake someone with art of the tongue to deceive manipulate and hurt.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:04:33
And what do you think that I love you as my son you don't make any sense

Date: 2024-08-08 17:09:12
When are you coming back tonight? Did you find your keys?

Date: 2024-08-08 17:10:13
Correction you have neither daughter nor sister so what is that? You keep telling me I'm not Christian for not going through an investigation . Why do you keep trying to put me down on my age? And what are you but a 40 plus year old are you getting any younger? No so stop writing my age wt every sentence to show ur disapproval of me. U don't like me then fine we are over.
You didn't have the Heart to tell me in person you had to yell at me treat me bad so I had to leave the unit . You have won you have sent me out of your life.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:12:28
What on earth are you all right?
I think you're going goofy... I told you that I'm here for us, because we have a lot to worry about together.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:13:40
You have won get it. Your mom is right to tell me to move on from you for I was a fool to think you loved me. I was a fool to think that cared about me, your mother knows you well. Unfortunately my mom knew what you were capable of to

Date: 2024-08-08 17:14:31
Disliked “I'm just sick of not being man enough for you. Co…”

Date: 2024-08-08 17:15:27
"... because it was uncomfortable to fuck you." Really this is what you think I feel

Date: 2024-08-08 17:16:04
Excuse me... Would you just come back to our Broadview location?
I love you, and even if we are having an argument we're in it together for the long haul.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:18:16
Geesh. We're you able to verify that you got your keys?

Date: 2024-08-08 17:19:02
Don't worry, I'm here just trying to make sure I don't have to look around for them.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:19:13
Ur wrong about this but when God judges you remember that you made my life a hell you punished me being a rape victim u mistreated me by telling me lies like your mom told u that u deserved rape. Just look at your paragraph how u put me down

Date: 2024-08-08 17:19:56
You denied me because I'm not your father.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:20:00
I have the keys this is not an argument this is a big accusation of you to me.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:20:46
Ur basically telling me I'm a pedo protector and lover and they my mom and brother are the same

Date: 2024-08-08 17:22:11
No, I'm not, that's why we should debate or disagree over remote.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:22:25
Ur putting my life in danger im on the street with nowhere to go I guess you think I deserve to be out

Date: 2024-08-08 17:22:34
What time will you be back tonight?

Date: 2024-08-08 17:24:05
I point out that you're an ADULT of 51, not a MINOR of 14/15.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:25:21
Come to our Broadview location right now, silly.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:27:41
Your mother betrayed you by not calling the police on your rape.
You were not competent and she was the biggest part of your problem.
Now you punish me, your husband, for what your father did to you.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:28:07
I won't debate wth some loser about me being in the wrong about going to the police I'm not debating anything with u. Ur supposed to be my husband. Loving protecting sharing giving always having my back trusting loving supporting believing. You are the apposite you are hating me accusing me insulting endangering my safety my life impoverishing me depleting my finances and u have stolen from me cheated on me the list goes on. If I was ur silly why would u accuse me constantly of having sx w my father when it was not consensual, reread ur text of today and see.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:29:35
You did not punish your father, which equates consent.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:29:43
I now hate you for your abuse of me, how you accuse me of loving my father . Ur a jerk and a pig

Date: 2024-08-08 17:30:20
Fuck off don't talk to me after what u said

Date: 2024-08-08 17:30:33
You further called the police on me for disliking your father.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:31:24
Hence you treated me as a worse lover than your father.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:32:06
Plz just come back tonight and we'll go to Couples Counseling after we have a new place.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:33:39
I hope to see you in a bit, and plz tell me who else you're telling lies to about me in order to protect your father.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:36:18
You're annoying,and we're not negotiating.
Get your ass back home with your husband

Date: 2024-08-08 17:38:17
You attack my son's mother and my son's adoptive mother, but you say that I'm the problem?

Date: 2024-08-08 17:39:53
It looks like this means you're attacking the father of my son. Why, because you had a great father, right?

Date: 2024-08-08 17:40:15
Just stop this shit and come to our Broadview location.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:40:37

Date: 2024-08-08 17:43:25
You returned on July 8th from your last walkout, so you've only been here a month.
Get your ass back here, because I'm not your Mother or Brother, I am just your Husband.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:47:02
You were gone for 2 months last time, so I guess I'll tell Kim that you're walking out again, right?
I swear you're having symptoms like PMS.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:47:51
So I guess you Mother and Father taught you how to be a real woman.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:49:30
This is straight from the textbooks, that you're in the lights out stage.
Although you never enjoyed sex with me as your husband.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:53:07
My father was not my lover for stop with ur insults of me honestly I ought to send these texts to ur uncle n aunt and see if u don't feel any shame in writing such trash lies about me. Ho dare u Trey me like trash

Date: 2024-08-08 17:53:42
Kim has sent me the letter for your OW Worker.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:53:52
What ur now dr hillier now you are trash

Date: 2024-08-08 17:54:45
Get your head out of your ass and let's work together for this.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:54:46
So will you hold the letter as a bargaining tool or a weapon to hurt me?

Date: 2024-08-08 17:55:14
Geesh.. get your ass home with your husband.

Date: 2024-08-08 17:55:52
You don't treat me like this u get ur head out of your ass if u like this phrase back at u

Date: 2024-08-08 17:57:16
If u say this phrase one more time I'll block you have respect im not a dog

Date: 2024-08-08 17:57:26
You're going through a post menopausal situation, so just get back to the man who you live.
Isaac, or some Social Services Supports

Date: 2024-08-08 17:59:38
I should be able to endure August but I seriously need for you to be my Partner in Time.

Date: 2024-08-08 18:00:52
I'm sick of your fighting and actually hating me MORE than you dislike your father.

Date: 2024-08-08 18:01:38
R u fucking serious this is what u think? I don't have post menopause u moron u r calling me a liar and protector of pedo u jerk this is the problem. U saymy last name means I love my father, really? So if your logic is so then u love ❤️ ur father right? Ur a perv weirdo Kelly is right.

Date: 2024-08-08 18:02:26
Take that back

Date: 2024-08-08 18:03:56
I hate both of you

Date: 2024-08-08 18:03:59
I said that you hate nw more than you hate him, silly.

Date: 2024-08-08 18:04:58
You're a single woman therefore. I'll make sure to tell Kim and Kelly.

Date: 2024-08-08 18:07:42
I never don't speak to Kelly but she emailed n told me u we're a weirdo and I saw she messaged u that exactly as for Kim she knows everything about u and ur thief she even knos both of ur con job over me so do the police

Date: 2024-08-08 18:08:50
I don't speak with an adulterous woman like Kelly and ur awfully eager to call me single. That is very suspicious

Date: 2024-08-08 18:10:26
I don't fucking care anymore, because when you made them take my ring 💍 you chose.
You're welcome back here tonight, but I understand you're acting like a little 15 years of age child, not an adult 51 years of age.
It is suspicious for you to be absent 20% of the time since your mommy went to say hello to the cherubim.

Date: 2024-08-08 18:10:28
You're a hillier philanderer I'm sure ur dad is proud and ur adulterous mother Too. I told u u 🏅 on

Date: 2024-08-08 18:11:35
And ur no 42 years old ur not getting younger my man so watch it wth ur insults

Date: 2024-08-08 18:12:34
Ur ring was and is worth more to u than me

Date: 2024-08-08 18:12:45

Date: 2024-08-08 18:12:57
I have NOTHING with ANNE besides the son we share.

Date: 2024-08-08 18:13:33
Are you drinking?

Date: 2024-08-08 18:14:13
Again u have something against my age let me remind you ur not going backward on the age but forward. Are u getting younger? Fuck off

Date: 2024-08-08 18:14:30
Make sure to use a condom. I don't want you infected furthermore.

Date: 2024-08-08 18:16:00
Why do u repeatedly confuse Kelly for Anne I was talking about ur little thief Kelly not Anne the 42 year old thief like you

Date: 2024-08-08 18:16:47
Isaac r u doing all right

Date: 2024-08-08 18:17:48
Not like u, u hilliers are loose men that is why ur mother ditched ur cheating father.

Date: 2024-08-08 18:18:31
If u continue I will block u and this will be permanent

Date: 2024-08-08 18:19:38
Kelly wrote that u r a weirdo not me

Date: 2024-08-08 18:22:08
If I were to treat u the way u treat me I would say "U should act ur age ur are a 42 yr old man not a child grow the fuck up" don't u think this is wrong and abusive do u really hate me that bad?

Date: 2024-08-08 18:27:36
If u has trusted me n loved me u would have given the ring for me to keep I would have returned the ring to u after u came out of ur detention. Instead u trusted a lying thieving Kelly Ann Wolfe/Farkas and took a ring to jail . U then took my money a without telling me gave it to Kelly. This money would have been used to replace ur ring but u chose otherwise.

Date: 2024-08-08 18:30:07
Anne is the middle name of Kathleen and Kelly..
Are you drinking still?

Date: 2024-08-08 18:31:51
Why do you treat me as if I was your ex girlfriend your mom's son? U should not have entered into a marriage with me if u were not over loving her and or over processing your break up and feelings of betrayal from her. I don't like it that u constantly mistreat me.

Date: 2024-08-08 18:33:03
So who are u talking about if the both have that middle name. I don't drink I'm as lucid and clear as a clear sky

Date: 2024-08-08 18:34:44
Why do you insult me I am not drinking but ur ex did drink so do u see how u r confusing me with her. I am not a drunk don't confuse me with any drunks you've known

Date: 2024-08-08 18:35:07
I have to go now.

Date: 2024-08-08 18:36:02
No you have to come back to me now. I'm your husband.

Date: 2024-08-08 19:02:09
You're bring fucking ridiculous. You walked out on your husband 3 months ago, come back EXACTLY a month ago, and you've walked out again.
This is fucking ridiculous.

Date: 2024-08-08 19:30:58
You're ridiculous as a wife, and as a survivor we have a duty. Why do you dare to protect your father and punish your husband.. how old are you? Are you 15, or are you 51?
Why do you prevent the punishment of the man who sexually abused my wife when she was 14?
Honestly, I feel that you do not enjoy me sexually.

Date: 2024-08-08 20:41:24
So you have started again to bring up why I don't go to the police about that why did you say u were sorry for pressuring me to do what you think is justice even though u know that it is hard for me to do. Why did u agree with Kim and me why did u tell me that you were wrong. At Holy Trinity church you said u we're sorry and before I returned home I thought u apologized to me or that u loved me I thought u felt wrong about ur slander and posts. What was ur confession to Jesus Christ for if again u start bullying me about going to the police that I am not a good Christian. You took money from me and later from my credit cards put me in debt and entertain with Kelly and others adultery did u not confess to that? why did you nod when Kim told u it was wrong for u to put up what was told strictly in confidence to you and you weaponized Catholicism why did u nod to her in agreement and to me say u are sorry.

Date: 2024-08-08 20:57:42
So you think I am ridiculous these words from my loving husband? I am sorry that you think so poorly of me. So you are putting victims down if they don't go to the police you are a cruel unfeeling man. My honour and purity is not sacred to you . Do you wish to slander me further through text. If u think so poorly of me why then were you with all these years?
So you foolishly think of me as a coward? You have a duty to be understanding to not judge you don't know the pain involved and u further the pain by ur constantly bringing it up. Everytime you mention this you are causing me pain. Kim is a counselling and u don't listen to her . I'm sorry I believed u when you apologized to me about the pain u caused me. Now you are going back to attacking me verbally. How is it that you love me?

Date: 2024-08-08 21:41:28
Exactly. I thought we were in union, but you've left 20% of the time since your mum died. That is highly unusual.
I was sorry that you didn't love me strong enough or respect our children to punish the hideous evil of pedophiles.
Just come back and we'll let it simmer until we have a new place.
Just come back and stop ignoring your husband and we'll work it out together. Or not...

Date: 2024-08-08 21:48:24
I'm sorry that we had this disagreement, but you have a responsibility to get your sexy booty back here.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:11:10
I think u r using me for an apt, why do this if I will secure an apt with u and then u start this treatment again calling me a bitch and other names . So u r telling me to return and we will resume ur fight wth me after we have moved? Why do u want to pretend to reconcile only to start again with what u call ur "disagreement" with me.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:13:02
You are in the wrong and if u think I am wrong than why do you want me to return.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:16:21
I'm not superwoman so sorry u thought this my only saviour is Jesus . If u think pushing victims around makes u a hero and the victim a heroine u r wrong.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:17:50
U are using ur position to bully me. U say I don't respect children ? This doesn't make any sense.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:19:21
You don't understand the situation, my dear. Please just come back... Where are you right now?
This is EXACTLY why the priest told US to go to a counsellor TOGETHER.
Your evitacion

Date: 2024-08-08 22:22:08
You've walked out 20% of the time since mum died.
Please grow up.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:26:16
So, are you an adult 51 or are you a 14 year old who's goofier than my son.
Please tell me, cuz I don't sleep with kids like some people.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:27:38
If you're still a 14 yr old victim and not the 51 year old survivor then go live with your brother.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:28:07
I don't need your shit daddy issues.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:32:25
You're acting like a teenager who's 14 years still, so grow the fuck up like the 51 year old wife or get the fuck out of our world.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:34:45
After our mother died you thought it was okay to show your disdain for your wife. I guess my mom was keeping u from harming me now after her death u see it is open season to verbally insult me her and my brother. No priest or religious person would approve of u pushing against my will to reopen a abuse case an
N investigation and all that painful stuff and everyone agrees with me. Do u hate me that much I told u that u are constantly mentioning this . This hurts I guess u think rape is just a paper cut for you. Why don't u go visit hospitals and shelters and interview rape victims really get to know then and not rely on third person accounts by people writing books.
You have read bad information you think ur an expert. I am angry u called me ,who was a victim , a whore bc of my surname . U falsely associate someone who doesn't go through the police and court s as weak and complicit u are offending all victims. Are u weak because u did not go after the gov over their mismanagement of their guardianship over u? No u r not weak or a willing victim. it is painful time consuming and u might not be successful this is why you may not pursue your lawsuit but if u do it doesn't make u a hero. If u do good for you but if u don't it won't make u a better person . Whoever told u that I am fighting with u over my father is wrong I am fighting with u. Don't blame others u are using insulting language with me yelling at me and making me cry. Why should I return if u will continue ur insults. You think poorly of me.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:38:37
You don't even wait for me to respond to your false accusations you don't even wait for my answer. This is rude. U just want ur point of view heard without a proper dialogue

Date: 2024-08-08 22:40:17
I'm sorry but that's wrong. You leave for extensive time periods.
I'm sorry you were too childish to talk it over with me

Date: 2024-08-08 22:40:39
Again by telling me "to grow the fuck up" u are in the wrong, so I don't need to have my feelings dismissed by you this way.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:41:38
I love you and we are one I do not dismiss your feelings just talk it out don't storm out you kind of silly like a child that way.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:42:12
You have been verbally abusing me through online posts on ur websites and later by text when I gave u my contact this is why I have stayed away from you.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:42:40
It isn't silly u are insulting me

Date: 2024-08-08 22:43:16
And you are cock blocking your husband.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:43:46
You don't even touch me sexually anymore.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:44:01
So you know what?

Date: 2024-08-08 22:44:49
I'd prefer you to come back right now but you're acting like a child with your phone.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:45:25
You're likely at a shelter or whatever so you hate your husband.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:47:35
In bc after I went to help my brother who had a broken rib I went to help him to move out of the apartment u went berserk just bc he used my computer to access my camera. I asked him for help and u went all crazy and rude. You I named me all kind of bad names and curses. This is why I didn't want to return it is my brother who. Encouraged me to reconcile with u but I didn't think u respected me he did not see your cruelty. When I returned I could not get intimate with u because u had hurt me so much it was not because my brother was staying with us.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:49:42
So we're over then. Goodnight, go be with someone else. I don't want your childish headache.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:50:36
U cared nothing about my poor mother I'm sorry she loved u so much she loved u like a son . U see people through your lenses u are jaded in life

Date: 2024-08-08 22:53:24
Ur hatred for me is greater than your weak love for me am guessing it is bc of ur bad experiences wth love. U love urself and couldn't even fight for ur little son just as me u prize urself as more than me

Date: 2024-08-08 22:54:23
What are you talking about you are a stupid you're a little girl who values you you're not a Survivor you never grew up from you asked you're not actually functional

Date: 2024-08-08 22:54:30
I'm sorry u hold urself in higher esteem over me.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:55:04
We're you know what I'm not even not even sex with your attracted to me so we know what f*** off go f*** someone who you appreciate because yeah fun Foster or some s*** because you don't appreciate me so f*** you go to help b****

Date: 2024-08-08 22:55:35
Okay call me stupid again three times now. Goodbye forever.

Date: 2024-08-08 22:56:15
You never loved me

Date: 2024-08-08 22:57:09
I love you

Date: 2024-08-08 22:58:01
Just you never loved me because you always loved your mother your brother.

Date: 2024-08-08 23:03:28
You are a juvenile little child you're still protecting your father so you know what I don't need that in my life right now I can it's going to hurt without you without a partner for a year and then I'll find somebody I guess hopefully and I'm sorry but for like 3 years since your mom died and family you are you're not needed for marriage right so f*** you you go take care of your mommy cuz you do everything you walk out 20% of the time since she died so that is totally wrong so you know what f*** you f*** off

Date: 2024-08-08 23:05:27

Date: 2024-08-08 23:19:21
You protect your Father Fausto and that will guarantee our ANNULMENT.

Date: 2024-08-08 23:22:29
And hopefully Kelly won't hate me because I essentially own her with the funds she pilfered from the INDEPENDENT ONTARIO ADVOCACY GROUP I built for her on her birthday last year.
I love you still, but you never respect me so

Date: 2024-08-08 23:30:09
I love you but you protect your father more than you protect our son's father.

Date: 2024-08-08 23:31:39
I'm not gonna play with a pedo-protector and the Archdiocese will understand.

Date: 2024-08-08 23:39:00
You have NO IDEA what makes a man , because your mum was part of the problem. Your father should have been dealt with by the police and prosecuted as types like him are the biggest problem.

Date: 2024-08-08 23:39:29

Date: 2024-08-08 23:43:23