To: Ms HO'ROZCO(+17429882727)
Date: 2024-10-07 15:56:05
My SON knows just how much I as his FATHER love him.
Just like your FATHER knows how much you LOVE and PROTECT him.
Date: 2024-10-07 16:01:53
No wonder you never enjoy sex or foreplay with me, right? You only respect one partner
This is what happened when you timed out your husband.
I begged you not to go down this path. Goodbye.
Date: 2024-10-07 22:10:35
Our code says a man is NEVER to rape a child, do you understand that Ms OROZCO?
If an adult hominid rapes a child, this man MUST be publicly recognized and publicly punished in order to prevent other fathers from raping God's gift to them....
Do you not understand how evil you have become? You are beautiful, but you're NOT actually Catholic, or at least not as an ADULT.
I love you, and you HATE my children because of what your father did to you.
You had NO RIGHT to obviate his SIN. I love you, but I arranged FARKAS very appropriately and openly.
Our Anniversary is on October 15th.. a week from this date.
I'm Cc'ng this communications to FARKAS so EVERYONE I care about knows the situation.
Date: 2024-10-07 23:05:46

Date: 2024-10-07 23:33:14
You definitely appear to have abandoned me, for some reason. I wonder if you'll come back in time for our Anniversary of if I'll have to hope Kelly doesn't get angry about my son and his sister.. I don't think she's even told them about me yet.