To: Ms HO'ROZCO(+17429882727)
Date: 2024-10-19 00:10:50

Date: 2024-10-19 00:15:48

Are you 15 like my Son, or are you 51 as in my Wife.
I loved you, but it appears that you're approving Isaac & Kelly as Segue.

Date: 2024-10-19 00:29:31
It's kinda problematic for you

Date: 2024-10-19 02:56:49

I think I do still love you, but I cannot trust you and this is the reason why I orchestrated FARKAS into my path. She of course cannot even think about me as a partner until it's not poaching.
I understand that you're hurting, so that's what the Annulment Protocol is for, because I will NEVER agree with you that your father was fulfilling his duties to and before God
We'll calmly ANNUL and I will simply facilitate ANNULMENT and enter into Partnership with KELLY-ANNE.
I'm sorry, and I will be Cc'ng Kelly this message.

Date: 2024-10-19 04:13:59

Date: 2024-10-19 04:30:45

Date: 2024-10-19 04:36:54
You can FORGIVE your rapist father but you CANNOT prevent God from holding him to account.
Why on earth do you think that I'll equivocate FORGIVENESS of Sins with AVOIDANCE of Consequence?
Are you REALLY Catholic? Because that is definitely NOT Catholic.

Date: 2024-10-19 04:41:51
You are an ADULT Catholic and no longer a CHILD Catholic. Very clear comparison.
However, I understand that you LOVE your Father, and that's okay, we'll simply ANNUL the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony because.. you HATE your Husband and PROTECT your Father.
I coordinated with FARKAS as a just in case this happened.

Date: 2024-10-19 04:53:51
Moreover, I'm clearly notifying you that your protection of pedophiles and predators like your Father equates a threat against the health and wellness of Kelly and Isaac's children.
This message will be copied to my partner FARKAS just so we're on the same page.
Please do not threaten OUR children Ms OROZCO.

Date: 2024-10-19 13:17:20
You're behaving like Fausto's daughter, so you can just understand that you never loved or enjoyed Isaac.
You're a pedo-protector endangering the children of Kelly and Isaac.

Date: 2024-10-19 17:14:33
Please return my property from YOUR STORAGE and stop trying to get these morons who don't understand the duty of Catholics to protect OUR CHILDREN. What your friend has caused you to do is technically PUNISH a man for informing you that FAUSTO ENRIQUE OROZCO must be dealt with, as recognized by even the Catholic Church.
Your fucking morons who you claim enable you to IGNORE the child rape of men.
Return my property, then get the fuck away from Kelly and Isaac, including our children, and go reunite with your CHILDHOOD family.

Date: 2024-10-19 17:28:33

Because you're treating your 42-yr-old HUSBAND like you're my 15-yr-old Daughter VICTIM and not my 51-yr-old Wife SURVIVOR.
You're fucking ridiculous, but Kelly agrees with your reason to stay away from her man.

Date: 2024-10-19 18:03:38
I don't like you, Ms OROZCO because you LIE to me.
Return my property immediately.

Date: 2024-10-19 19:41:37
I think I understand why you're protecting YOUR FATHER but you understand the orchestration of MY SON and MY PARTNER the 'Wolfe' in sheep's clothing, right?
Why do you think I chose Kelly as my 6:6?
The safety and security of OUR son is more of a priority than your difficulty understanding that GOD had subtlety.
You are not GOD but you are my WIFE. You're acting like a 15-yr-old CHILD and not like a 51-yr-old WIFE.
Huge difference in DUTY and RESPONSIBILITY. You made your choice, and ANNE accepts your trade.

Date: 2024-10-19 19:43:38

My dinner alone.

Date: 2024-10-19 19:43:47

Date: 2024-10-19 19:44:08

Date: 2024-10-19 19:45:36

Date: 2024-10-19 19:46:06

Date: 2024-10-19 20:04:18

Date: 2024-10-19 20:04:58
You are hurting me with your verbal abuse, and yelling, and false accusations. You behaved horrible last night when all I wanted to was speak you made it impossible to speak with all your yelling me and spitting at me, you have nothing to say ? Are you really proud of how you been towards me? Do you even have conscience at all or a heart to talk bad about me online and to my face. What you have online is hateful, hurtful and false. You are hurting me ISAAC BON HILLIER, you are killing my love for you.

Date: 2024-10-19 20:05:27
You were very very disrespectful to me last night.

Date: 2024-10-19 20:18:42
Goodbye. Please return my property before end of the day on Friday October 25th.
Please give me the name and position of the person you had call me and make threats and hugely acting as your enforcement.
I am a FATHER but I'm nothing like your FATHER so kindly back off.
You protect your father which is a SIN as you're taking GOD'S DISCRETION.
Did you even understand why I was chosen for you?
You will stop disrespecting Kelly or our children. Good-bye.

Date: 2024-10-19 21:37:19