Farkas, you're safe with me, but you make too great of an assumption about me and my fiery Latina...

Farkas, you're safe with me, but you make too great of an assumption about me and my Latina...

  • • Isaac Bon Hillier:
  • Kelly, I chose to give you $100.00 at 0931H Monday January 29th, without your asking for anything.
  • And about 12 hrs later I just gave you $20+80. Get something for the kids, my treat. The kids come first, you let me understand how I was being selfish.
  • As per your direction, I'll take back $20 from our shared account on the date you requested. Why, but it's a wonderful web we weave when first, we practice to deceive the enemy.
  • Hugz, grrl. -Isaac
  • • Kelly Anne Farkas:

  • My goodness thank you

  • Take it back feb 9

  • Both

  • Pls

  • I don’t need anyone else saying anything .

  • And they are both lying anyway -

  • • Isaac Bon Hillier:

  • Who's saying shit about you or us?

  • • Kelly Anne Farkas:

  • Doesn’t matter I dealt with it

  • I’m gonna sue Cheif william Denby tho

  • Fkn liar

  • Just leave it alone

  • Running to store -

  • If I don’t have a smoke I am going to eat the sky

  • • Isaac Bon Hillier:

  • K, you're my friend. If You want me to leave it alone, just tell me.

  • I respect you as a mother, and my business partner. Nothing more, nothing less.

  • • Kelly Anne Farkas:

  • Yes leave it alone

  • Text you later

