Profile picture for user csaccoccia

Chris Sky

Christopher Saccoccia (aka Chris Sky) is a serial do-gooder and has incorporated two Boards under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, and one Corporation under the Ontario Business Corporations Act (RSO 1990 B16).

  • 20200517 | Backatwork NFP with:
    1. Christopher Saccoccia
    2. Jennifer Saccoccia
    3. Vladislav Sobolev
  • 20200722 | (MAD) Mothers Against Distancing NFP with:
    1. Kellyanne Wolfe
    2. Christopher Saccoccia
    3. Jennifer Saccoccia
  • 20200815 | Private On Demand Education Incorporated with:
    1. Christopher Saccoccia
      This is a paper corporation, initial director is Chris even though his initiating Articles were filed on or about 20200918.
      He registered with Dye & Durham, DBA eCore, formerly OnCorp)
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